Don’t jeopardize your business

buy genuine products

What's at stake

SKF products are designed to provide a specific performance for a certain amount of time. With counterfeit products, you don’t know what you will get. You can jeopardize machine reliability, health and safety of your staff, the environment and last, but not least, your business outcome. When you buy and use genuine SKF products, you can operate with confidence and trust, not luck - as long as it’s properly installed.

You might not be able to tell the difference between a fake bearing and a genuine one, but your machine will. The best way to safeguard authenticity is to source from an authorized distributor. We would say that there’s a lot at stake, when it’s a fake.

Learn the warning signs ​

  • The offer is presented as a bargain.
  • Short delivery times for special products.
  • Product authenticity certificates and other documentation where the seller claims a business affiliation with SKF.
  • If you suspect a product to be counterfeit, check the authenticity via SKF Authenticate app.


Download the SKF Brand Protection Brochure


Secure your buying process​

  • Select your supplier carefully. All authorized SKF distributors are listed on
  • Be suspicious about what you buy. Request photos of products from unknown sources and send to SKF for verification prior to purchase.
  • Share your knowledge of experience with fake products within your business. If more people are aware of the problem, the easier it will be to stop the counterfeiters


Scan the QR Code or Download the Authenticate App here


What if you suspect a product to be counterfeit?

Only experts from SKF can verify authenticity of a product or package marked with SKF trademarks. 

The SKF Authenticate application for smartphones allows users to take and send photos of suspect products and proof of purchase directly to SKF for verification. The application can be downloaded for free from App Store or Google play. 

Let’s do this together!

SKF bearings are known and used for their quality and operational efficiency, whereas the performance of fake products is unpredictable. Identifying a fake can be extremely difficult. Often, the only way to be sure is to ask us for help. If we tackle this together, we’ll all come out on top (well, except for the counterfeiters). 

Sourcing genuine products concerns everyone